Terri Hoffman Voted to the United Way of Mesa County Board of Directors

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Terri Hoffman Voted To The United Way Of Mesa County Board Of Directors 1

Marketing Refresh cares about people in our local communities – and we show it through our Community Refresh initiatives.

Throughout our company history, we have supported great causes in the Greater Houston area. Now, we are expanding our community involvement to support residents of Western Colorado. Our primary avenue is through the United Way organization.

Terri Hoffman, our CEO, was recently voted onto the Board of Directors for the United Way of Mesa County chapter. This chapter serves people from all parts of the local area, including Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade, and other local towns.

“I’ve lived here for 13 months and spent some time getting to know the community,” says Terri. “I was looking for an opportunity to get more involved in the community, and United Way of Mesa County was the perfect fit.”

Why Terri Hoffman Joined the United Way of Mesa County

For more than 125 years, United Way has bettered local communities. It’s one of the largest nonprofit organizations in the United States, thanks to the strength of the local chapters that make up the larger organizational body.

In Mesa County, the organization focuses on three main areas of helping people: health, education, and self-reliance. These focal points resonated with Terri and inspired her to pursue official involvement.

Terri met with representatives from the Mesa County chapter of United Way to discuss available roles. She was interviewed for a Board position, was approved to serve, and began her role in June.

Terri’s role on the Board is primarily to create awareness about United Way in the area, support the full-time staff, and use her experience as a business owner and CEO to provide sound guidance to the organization.

“They already have a strong team,” says Terri. “One area where I am focused on supporting the organization is by creating awareness for their current programs and helping to create new initiatives that will increase organizational impact.”

Consider this sample of current programs that promote health, education, and self-reliance:

  • Library program for kids to have access to books.
  • Providing more education around a homelessness problem in the area.
  • Supporting organizations with senior living facilities to care for the elderly.

Further down the road will be opportunities to introduce initiatives that will make a positive difference in the lives of local residents, especially as the area continues to grow and expand.

Helping to Build Bridges in Mesa County

Joining the United Way of Mesa County was a significant milestone for Terri as she becomes more rooted in the region. Being part of the Board is personally rewarding because it’s a clear way to help a large group of people.

“We can spread out in different areas of community support to be bridge-builders,” says Terri. “We are able to help so many different people through high-impact programs, with a reach of about 50,000 people on an annual basis.”

Congratulations to Terri for joining the Board. We are looking forward to seeing how Terri makes a difference in the local community.

– To learn more about how you can get involved, visit the United Way of Mesa County website.

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