Everyone Needs Perspective

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Everyone Needs Perspective 1

Earlier this month, I got the opportunity to attend an event called “Breakfast with Champions” which was hosted by the Special Olympics of Texas. 

I had been in a bit of a down mindset that week. That’s not typical for me, but it was happening, and I just couldn’t figure out how to get rid of my brain funk.

Anyway – back to the breakfast event. 

My morning started with your typical drive through Houston traffic, navigating to the venue, standing in line to get my table number, searching out the table, saying hello to everyone, etc. Mundane stuff.

My morning (my week, my entire perspective) took a HUGE turn for the better when I turned around and saw a young woman named Shelby from across the room. Shelby is one of the SOTX athletes, and I met her earlier this year at a Houston Texans game. 

She had the largest grin I’ve ever seen, and was walking across the ballroom in my direction. I figured she was probably heading for the stage when I realized that she was coming up to … ME. She was rushing over to say hello and give me a huge hug. 

It was a bear hug, and it was the exact energy I needed. 

Shelby is one of those people who lights up every single room she walks into. She probably gives that energy to 1,000 people a week. 

I’m so grateful for Shelby this week. 

Which makes me grateful for the Special Olympics. I know that the SO organization has made a big impact on Shelby and her family. 

Nobody should GIVE because of what they GET. You should give because it comes naturally from the heart, and because it’s about focusing on what OTHER people need. Not what you need from them. Giving is about being truly selfless.

But, I promise you, what you give to SOTX will come back to you 100-fold in ways you would never expect.

I encourage everyone reading this to reach out to me to see how you can get involved with the SOTX. They need financial support, volunteers, and other resources to be successful. They need items big and small. 

Get involved, and you will help people who are regularly neglected and a forgotten part of our society. People with intellectual disabilities matter, and they have so much to contribute.

DONATE HERE —-> https://givebutter.com/BWCHOUSTON/marketingrefresh 

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