You can meet someone at an event, have a thought provoking discussion, and exchange business cards at the end of the night. What’s next?
Option 1: You send them a follow up email the next day, rehashing on the conversation. They respond with equal pleasantries. Relationship ended before it even began, because there wasn’t enough momentum to keep it moving—something our client and strategic partner likes to refer to as The Connections Flywheel.
Option 2: You send an invitation to connect on LinkedIn the following day, with a message that includes the same information the email would’ve, and receive the same response. But, this time, you’ve incorporated them into your network of business professionals. And every time they share something, have a work anniversary, or take on a new position, you have another opportunity to engage again with that person.
It goes without saying, Option 2 is more likely to lead to a mutually beneficial relationship, rather than a one-time meet and greet.
The more a potential customer knows about the product or service your business offers and the methodology behind it, the more convinced they will be to buy in to what you’re offering. The best way to go about this is buy sharing industry knowledge across multiple channels, and doing it often. Fresh content online, especially on a website for professionals, is how you can get noticed as a reputable business.
And, LinkedIn is a pretty big deal. As of February 2014, the platform had 277 million users, adding new users every two seconds. Its ever-growing population means more exposure for your brand. Everyone is winning.
As professionals navigate the career ladder, at times their trajectory goes in a different direction, becomes more specialized, or has a completely new and exciting turn around. When you’re connecting on LinkedIn, you’re aware of the changes that go on in your network. Your cubicle mate from your first job out of college could end up being a great candidate for the piece that is missing within your offerings through partnerships.
Regardless of the industry you’re in, you want to grow your business and surround yourself with people who can help you do it. Use LinkedIn as one of many tools to achieve your overall business goals, or for more specific tasks, like LinkedIn for Account Development.