New LinkedIn Features to Support Your Business

  • Social Media

LinkedIn recently introduced new features to help businesses stand out on the social media platform, better engage their audience, and generate website traffic.

These welcome additions to LinkedIn are valuable for any business and should be immediately utilized:

  • Custom Call-to-Action (CTA) Button
  • Company Tagline
  • Content Suggestions

How Can A Business Use Each New LinkedIn Feature?

Businesses can use the new features in a variety of ways to drive traffic to your homepage, promote a landing page containing a product or offering, or simply be a thought leader in your industry.

The new features are available when you log into your LinkedIn account, select your company page, and view your company’s profile information at the top of the page.

1. Create a CTA Button

New Linkedin Features To Support Your Business 1

You can now generate a custom CTA button that will drive LinkedIn users to your website, a landing page on your website, or any other page that you want to drive traffic to.

The new feature defaults to a simple CTA button that links to your homepage. You can take that route or create a custom CTA button.

To create a custom CTA button: when you click the pencil, a pop-up menu will appear allowing to choose a different CTA option (e.g. Contact Us, Learn More, Register, or Sign Up). You can then drop in a different website link other than your homepage to drive users to the specific page you want to promote.

This is a useful tool if you want to promote an eBook, a service during a specific time of the year, a recent blog, a product page, or any other campaign.

You can change the CTA button at any time, so you have the flexibility to routinely change the CTA button on your LinkedIn company page.

2. Add a Tagline

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Another new LinkedIn feature is the ability to add a tagline sharing your company’s mission. This is a great opportunity to leverage your branding to send the right message to prospects and customers engaging with your company on LinkedIn.

For our clients, we recommend using their tagline in this space. If you do not have a tagline, consider brainstorming with your team a short, concise message that highlights what your company is about and how you create value for your customers.

Alternatively, consider working with our digital marketing agency to develop your messaging and how you want to communicate with your audience to compel them to take action.

3. Use Content Suggestions for Articles

New Linkedin Features To Support Your Business 3

The third new feature on LinkedIn is topic support called Content Suggestions to help companies or individuals create articles.

LinkedIn wants to help you discover trending topics in your target audience so that you can create articles addressing these topics.

To access this new feature, make sure you are viewing your LinkedIn company page. Then, select the “Content Suggestions” tab in the top navigation.

A pop-up window will appear allowing you to filter by industry, location, or job title. This will help you target a very specific audience in your industry, in a specific region that you want to target, and at the job level you want to talk to.

Once you create the filters, you can view content suggestions giving you a list of topics that are relevant to your audience. You should use this as a guide to creating an article that highlights your viewpoint or expertise on a specific topic that your audience wants more information about.

The idea is to increase engagement with prospects and customers to display industry thought leadership and compel your audience to take action.

How Marketing Refresh Can Help You Take Advantage

We are excited to see these new LinkedIn features. They fit within a content marketing strategy, create more opportunities to leverage your branding, and allow you to create new content to engage your audience.

We will be utilizing these new features with our current clients to help them increase their reach. We would appreciate the opportunity to work with your business, too, to utilize these new features to drive targeted traffic to your website.

To find out how we can support your business by developing and implementing a content marketing strategy that includes the new LinkedIn features, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

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