A Not-So Comprehensive List of SEO Industry Experts to Follow

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Let’s be honest, SEO is an ever-evolving machine…literally. And to stay on top of the latest and greatest it takes either a lot of time and money in running experiments, reading and research or a little of both. Today, I want to share some of my favorite experts that I follow to keep my skills sharp. We’ll save discussing experiments for another day.

There are a few different areas that I find information, but Twitter is one of my favorites. I’ve found that many of the industry experts that I follow not only are fairly active on Twitter, but also seem to be more willing to share their insights.

A few of my Favorite SEOs on Twitter:

  1. Jenny Halasz. Jenny is an SEO and Analytics expert. She also writes a regular column for Search Engine Journal.
  2. Jon Henshaw. You may know John as the founder of Raven Tools, but he currently works as a Senior SEO Analyst for CBS. John is an entrepreneur at heart, and is always looking to shake things up.
  3. Joost de Valk. Joost is the founder of Yoast SEO, one of the most popular WordPress plugins out there. Joost and his team are always developing something new. If you have a WordPress site, you’re going to want to keep your eyes on Joost.
  4. Marty Weintraub. Marty is the founder of Aimclear, a well-deserved award-winning agency. He’s a marketing wiz in just about all aspects of digital, and frequently drops some excellent knowledge bombs.
  5. Damon Gochneaur. Damon is the founder of Aspiro and most recently a professional soccer team in Denton, TX. You can find Damon speaking all over the country on topics from PPC and SEO.
  6. Search Engine Journal. This one isn’t a person like the others, but deserves a mention as many of the people that I listed here (and more) write for this site. SEJ covers everything from SEO, PPC, Social Media and Content related topics and is a great source for industry insights.
  7. Shelly Fagin. Shelly runs her own agency and also is a member of the SEMrush team. Like many others on this list, you can find her speaking at pretty much any major conference and she’s an SEO expert that you can learn more than a thing or two from!x
  8. Cyrus Shepard. Cyrus used to be over at Moz before things went a little South over there. Now he runs his own company, Zyppy. Cyrus often tweets about all things SEO, rankings and how to get more organic traffic.
  9. Annie Cushing. Annie is the founder of Annielytics, and is a self proclaimed data genius. Who am I kidding, she is a data genius. If you are looking to learn more about anything data related, especially Google Analytics, look no further.
  10. Dr. Pete Meyers. Better known as Dr. Pete, he is a Marketing Scientist at Moz. IF you are looking for someone that is constantly testing and staying on-top of all things SEO related, you’ve found him. He often talks about what he’s testing, learning, working on and everything in between…including some nice comedic relief in the midst of all that scientific work!
  11. Lexi Mills. Lexi is a PR SEO Specialist, and a mighty talented one at that. I remember first hearing her speak at SearchLove in Boston a few years back, and her ideas and execution with combining PR and SEO blew my mind.

Follow Those Tweets!

There you have it, some of my favorite SEO experts that you should be following! Now yes, there are A LOT more that I have not mentioned, but let’s be honest…I can’t give away all of my resources now can I?!

Click that ‘follow’ button, and get ready to favorite some tweets because in our ever-changing industry, those that stay informed, stay ahead. Enjoy!

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