Marketing Refresh Officially Joins Greater Heights Area Chamber of Commerce

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Marketing Refresh Officially Joins Greater Heights Area Chamber Of Commerce Marketing Refresh was proud to officially join the Greater Heights Area Chamber of Commerce with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday, July 6.

The ceremony brought together Marketing Refresh CEO Terri Hoffman, the Marketing Refresh team and family members, representatives from the Greater Heights Area Chamber, valued clients, and other Chamber members to celebrate this milestone for our agency.

It was a festive occasion at the Marketing Refresh office with plenty of opportunities to catch up, meet new faces, and network with the Chamber community.

Why Marketing Refresh Fits with the Chamber

To capture how Chamber members work together, Marketing Refresh worked with the Chamber member Chick-fil-A location near our office to provide lunch and refreshments.

This example of collaborating with other local businesses is one of the many benefits of becoming a Chamber member.

It also captures a core value of Marketing Refresh to cultivate a collaborative experience with clients and the business community. We believe in working with our clients – not just working for them – to create a product that everyone is excited about and proud of.

Our commitment to this core value helped our agency grow. The ribbon cutting ceremony represented the next step establishing Marketing Refresh as a business leader in our community.

We are committed to the Greater Heights area through our strategic placement to connect with other Houston businesses who share our core values.

If you would like to know more about how you can be part of our collaborative focus to grow your business, contact Terri Hoffman at [email protected].

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