The Best Content Strategies Are Taken

  • Content Marketing and Strategy

The Best Content Strategies Are Taken Think Beyoncé, not Liam Neeson. If you like a content strategy, then you should put a ring on it. Nothing says long-term commitment like a ring. And for marketing results, long-term is the only option.

Want to know how Marketing Refresh creates, implements and manages long-term content strategies? Here’s how.

The First Date: Meet Mr. Content Strategy

Let’s start from the beginning. Content is information. It’s your website, blogs, social media posts, email campaigns and any other collateral used to highlight your brand.

Managing this broad variety of content requires a content strategy.

But Don’t Rush Into It

Like a relationship, an effective content strategy takes time to develop. It starts with uncovering what makes your business unique, your Unique Selling Position (USP).

We then discover the best way to tell your story, and learn the stories of others. In this case it’s your target audience. We like to send out a survey to your current customers and use it to create buyer personas or short write-ups.

Then The Magic Happens

We can’t share our complete process for turning information into a content strategy but it involves coffee, creativity, experience and hard work. Once we have it, we take the next step.

The Engagement: Put It On A Content Calendar

A content strategy is more than creative concepts; it’s an action plan with campaign launch dates throughout the year.

The content calendar can be adjusted, but we like to have a firm schedule a quarter in advance so we can better manage the content.

The Wedding And Beyond: Stick With It Long-Term

The first quarter is the honeymoon phase. Everyone is excited about the new content strategy and is eager to see results, but patience is key. It takes time to gain momentum. The second and third quarters are when most companies start to see the benefits. And the longer you stick with it, the greater the payoff.

Marketing Refresh is in the business of long-term relationships. We love our clients and invest our time and talent to help them grow.

…So Here’s The Gist

A marketing campaign is like a date. It can give you a little boost but then fades away. If you want a relationship with longevity that encourages growth, find a content strategy you like and marry it.

So if you’re feeling a little lonely out there let Marketing Refresh be your ‘matchmaker’ if you will. And we’ll help find your content strategy soulmate!

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