A great man once said, “Wherever James works in the future, he will add value from day one.”
Well the future is here.
Meet our newest member by scrolling to the bottom of our team page. Then find out why he turned down offers with some of Houston’s largest agencies to be a part of Marketing Refresh.
The Work Matters
Some agencies stay in business by producing a high volume of subpar work. Other agencies thrive off selling media and the work doesn’t matter. Those agencies give advertising and marketing a bad name. I chose Marketing Refresh because like me, they desire to do great work and stand behind every piece they put out.
The Agency is Growing
This year Marketing Refresh has hired a full-time Search Marketing Manager, a full-time Content Marketing Manager, an Intern and now me. While other agencies are cutting back, Marketing Refresh is ramping up. I wouldn’t be surprised if we triple in size by next year.
The Team is Solid
It’s important that you get along with your coworkers. A big part of the interview process is making sure that your personality matches. I hit the jackpot with Marketing Refresh. We share the same worth ethic, values and even have a lot of the same interests. Because of this, we’re a team that has fun and gets things done.
No Morning Rush Hour
Traffic is serious in Houston. If you work in downtown, getting there is the hardest part of your day. Marketing Refresh allows me to spend 8 a.m. working from home. Things change if there’s a client meeting but otherwise I’m checking my email in pajamas.
I Get to Wear Many Hats
At Marketing Refresh, I’m more than a Copywriter. I’m an assistant account executive that meets directly with clients to better understand their goals. I’m a Jr. Search Marketing Manager that uses SEO best practices to increase the rank of my words. And like the rest of the team, I’m willing to do whatever else our clients need. Let me put a hat on for you.