3 Signs It’s Time to Update Your Messaging Strategy

  • Content Marketing and Strategy

3 Signs It’s Time To Update Your Messaging Strategy It’s not uncommon to run across messaging strategies that are either outdated or out of alignment with the business goals small and medium size business owners are striving for. Oftentimes business owners are even completely unaware that their messaging strategy needs work.

The fact is, while the messaging strategy might not be the most visually stimulating part of your overall marketing strategy, it’s the central driver behind all of your marketing activities. And it should be routinely checked for alignment and effectiveness.

As a trusted Houston digital marketing agency, we’ve routinely partnered with companies of all sizes to help them evaluate and elevate their messaging strategy. Here are a few of the scenarios that might indicate your business is in need of a messaging strategy refresh.

1. Your Industry or Business is Evolving

Every industry goes through ups-and-downs and various stages of evolution. Technology will continue to improve, new technology will become available, or customer buying habits will fluctuate. These are just a few examples of what might be happening in a business or industry that is undergoing change.

These are also indicators that your messaging strategy should be evaluated to ensure it’s meeting the demands of your customers.

Getting in the habit of evaluating your messaging strategy during times of change will help you discover if you’re still in touch with your audience and most importantly make sure you’re staying competitive.

2. The “Set it and Forget it” Approach

Most small and medium size business owners can relate to the overwhelming feeling that comes along with running a business. The pressure to generate revenue, meet client demands, and grow your business often leaves little room for penciling in your messaging strategy into the mix.

It’s not uncommon to see tactics take that the place of fundamentals. Often businesses spend money on social media campaigns and paid advertisements before going back to the basics and evaluating if the messaging they put in place years ago is still driving engagement with their target audience.

It’s important to remember that just because something has worked in the past or is performing to set expectations, it doesn’t always mean it’s optimizing engagement or addressing the latest trends in your industry.

3. You’ve Seen a Drop in Sales

Nothing stands out more as a key performance indicator than a decrease in revenue.

Maybe your sales team is having issues finding qualified leads or your customers aren’t purchasing like they used to. A drop in sales could mean you’ve dropped the ball on your messaging strategy.

The truth is we live in a digital age where search engines can outrank the traditional sales call approach. Continuously tracking the target keywords your audience is actively using to find solutions to their problems is a foundational must for any competitive business. And an aspect of your messaging strategy that changes daily and must be monitored.

Developing a meaningful keyword strategy and monitoring key metrics can be time-consuming, but it’s a critical path to improving your chances capturing and closing leads.

Still Need Help? Contact Marketing Refresh!

If you’ve made it this far something here must have resonated with you!

At our Houston digital marketing agency we believe in the power of messaging and we follow a proven process to evaluate your target market, ensure there’s alignment with current business goals, and create a focused, consistent, and relevant messaging strategy.

Part of what makes our approach so effective is the plan we create on an ongoing basis for all of our clients to meet their needs and objectives. We plan out all of your content 90 days in advance, monitor alignment with your messaging strategy, and track common metrics for peak performance.

A messaging strategy is only the beginning! If you’re ready to experience the benefit of adding a copywriter, designer, programmer, videographer, editor, PPC specialist, and SEO specialist to your team, Click Here.

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